CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: CPU sockets

CPU Sockets


You may not typically handle the insides of your computers, but if your business requires knowledge of Central Processing Units (CPU), then you’ll also need to learn about CPU sockets

. It’s not a narrow subject:  there are almost as many sockets as there are processor types. However, you can learn the specifications of the two major types of sockets, and later refer to manufacturer documentation to get additional info on those that a particular processor uses.




Pin Grid Array (PGA)

Pin Grid Array (PGA) CPU sockets involve using metal or ceramic pins to connect a CPU to a motherboard. Pins attached to a special carrier house the CPU, and the pins are inserted to the motherboard containing a matching set of holes. The pins carry electrical signals to and from the CPU to the rest of the computer. The metal or ceramic used for the pins and housing are therefore resistant to high heat, due to the large amounts of electrical current passing through them.

Land Grid Array (LGA)

The Land Grid array socket was built in response to the PGA. The LGA still contains pins — but the pins are already in the motherboard. The socket itself rests in the motherboard and has an enclosure at its top end, and the CPU is placed inside the enclosure and secured using a pressure lever. The CPU rests in the enclosure through a series of grooves, and communicates through electronic signals transmitted through transmission surfaces inside the socket..



PGA Versus LGA

PGA sockets were originally used as the primary CPU controllers for Intelprocessors. However, PGA sockets have a notable weakness: the pins of the socket are easily damaged, rendering these and the CPU useless. Even building PGA sockets to ensure that zero actual pressure is required to insert the chip hasn’t mitigated this problem. However, it’s been argued that processors should not be changed or removed often, if at all, rendering this weakness something of a moot point. Both Intel and AMD use PGA and LGA sockets.


Intel and AMD Processors

As both processor manufacturers use different sockets, the basic differences between the two types can vary. Furthermore, both AMD and Intel also create specific socket types for certain processors. In fact, Intel often creates sockets for processors that are incompatible with the previous generation or processors. The difference between certain sockets may not be apparent just from sight alone. Your best bet when upgrading processors is to consult the manufacturer’s instructions on what sort of sockets are required for the processor, and what socket your motherboard uses.



**Source by wikipedia **

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