Other Certs

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Other Courses and Certifications ITIL Google Salesforce Data Science Blockchain Programming & Coding Customized Curriculum Train The Trainer (TTT) VMware Juniper Microsoft Office CWNP SCP Electronics Other Courses and Certifications ITIL ITIL ITIL Courses Google Google Google Cloud Certified Courses Salesforce Salesforce Salesforce Courses Data Science Data Scientist /Machine Learning/ Big Data Data Scientist /Machine… Read more »

How to Install Python on Amazon Linux Server

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

How to Install Python on Amazon Linux Server In technical terms, Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language with integrated dynamic semantics primarily for web and app development. It is extremely attractive in the field of Rapid Application Development because it offers dynamic typing and dynamic binding options. Python is relatively simple, so it’s easy… Read more »

Amazon AWS : Lambda – Backup EC2 Instance

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

How to backup an EC2 instance through Lambda Amazon AWS EBS Backup via Lambda and CloudWatch https://youtu.be/_FX9XY3uDQw The goal is to backup the EBS volume via AWS lambda and CloudWatch , we will do it two way ; One will be done in 1 Min interval ( using the Lambda function and another one using… Read more »