Never Stop Learning
Certification is valuable and the more you acquire the more you’ll be in demand. It shows you have the skills and dedication to your career and that’s important to companies and organizations.
Consequently, many large corporations around the world recommend or require multiple certifications for their IT staff or partners.

Benefits of Certification for Individuals
- 80% Getting a foot in the door for an interview
- 75% Promotion/career opportunities
- 69% Higher salary
- 68% Help in changing fields or industries
“What certification gives the individual and the vendor is a baseline measurement of the skill you attain. Certification provides a consistent measure that is designed to validate the skills you achieve.” Chuck Cooper, Director IBM Certification Program
“If they haven’t done the CompTIA certification, I don’t think they have that base knowledge.” Michael Rhodes Principal, Media Tek Ltd.
“My students were beating out four-year College students for jobs. The big question was why. I started contacting companies and found out that certification carried a lot of weight.”
Terry Hand, CIS instructor
Ogeechee Technical College
Statesboro, Georgia
“Certification was very heavily emphasized for the whole organization. It was required to maintain employment and to move up the career ladder.” Alex Fogel, Senior IT professional Ricoh and Samsung

“At the end of the day, it all boils down to certification being an internationally recognized credential. If you can put that on your résumé, you’ll have a competitive advantage over another individual who doesn’t have it.” Mark Milton, Director of People Services and Career Academy
Goodwill Industries of San Antonio, Texas