Stay positive to boost your company’s profit

Companies should focus relentlessly on trimming costs and boosting profit — but that doesn’t have to involve browbeating workers and suppliers, writes Baron Christopher Hanson. Instead, put in place a smart, data-driven incentives strategy to optimize operations. “Bullying your employees or vendors for more output or discounts is the wrong methodology. Implement a more positive strategy,” Hanson advises.SmartBrief/SmartBlog on Leadership (12/30)

 How to make every day like New Year’s

The new year is a time to reflect and begin again, but those actions shouldn’t occur only once a year, writes Dan Rockwell. Make a point of setting aside time every day for decluttering your life. “Uncluttered leaders enjoy clarity, energy, optimism, and progress,” Rockwell writes.Leadership Freak blog (12/30)

Leadership qualities of leading football coaches

Johnson in the 1990s
(Chris Bernacchi/AFP)

This article uses examples of championship-winning football coaches as a guide to leadership. “The only thing worse than a coach or CEO who doesn’t care about his people is one who pretends to care. People can spot a phony every time,” said former college and NFL coach Jimmy Johnson.Business.com (12/29)