Amazon AWS : Lambda – Backup EC2 Instance |

How to backup an EC2 instance through Lambda

Amazon AWS EBS Backup via Lambda and CloudWatch

The goal is to backup the EBS volume via AWS lambda and CloudWatch , we will do it two way ; One will be done in 1 Min interval ( using the Lambda function and another one using the Cloudwatch with 5 mins Interval)

Step 1) Right Now I have two EC2 machines and I have two Volume on the left side .

Step 2) When I go to snapshot on the left side I do not see anything

Step 3) In order to create a function ; I need to create a Role and in order to create a Role I need to create a Policy

Step 4) Go to IAM and on left side click create a policy and then click Jason and copy and paste this code in here ( we will see what these code do inside the Lambda )

Step 5)


    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,

    “Statement”: [


            “Action”: [



















            “Resource”: “*”,

            “Effect”: “Allow”




Step 6) Click Review Policy and give name BackupEC2policy

Step 7) Go to Role on the left side and then Pick Lambda , click next for Permission ; then search for above policy you created ; go to next page ( no Tag) then click Review and then give name BackupEC2Role

Step 8) Now we will go to Lambda and use above Role

Step 9) Give the name BackupEC2 ; chose Runtime Python 3.6 ;then pick chose exiting Role; the chose BackupEC2Roles , then Create a function

Step 10) On next page we will see on the right side what is shown ( this come from Policy that we created before)

Step 11) Now I will go copy and paste the Function code inside it and make sure save it

import json

import boto3

# Setting ec2 client.

ec2 = boto3.client(‘ec2’)

# Our lambda handler function!

def lambda_handler(event, context):

    # Printing event received.

    # print(“Received event: ” + json.dumps(event, indent=2))

    # Let’s go ahead and print the rule arn to the logs so we know they are different!

    rule_name = event[‘resources’]


    # Setting the variable to loop through later.

    # Filtering by only looking for ‘in-use’ EBS volumes.

    total_ebs = ec2.describe_volumes(Filters=[{‘Name’: ‘status’, ‘Values’: [‘in-use’]}])

    # Looping through and collecting all EBS volumes.

    for volume in total_ebs[‘Volumes’]:

     # Creating the snaphsot for all volumes within our region.


        print(“All done with volume: ” + volume[‘VolumeId’])

Step 12) On the left side you will see the triggers ; in order to the Triggers I will go to CloudWatch first ( later on I will do another way) then   click on rule on the left side .

Step 13)  click on Rule ; then Click create a Rule

Step 14 )  Click the Schedule ; then choose 5 mins , then click on the Lambda function ; then pick backupEC2 , then give Name BackupEC25mins ; and

Step 15) Now go back to your Lambda function ; and then on the left side you will see the CloudWatch as one of the tigers .

Step 16) When you click on it , you will see 5 mins interval.

Step 17 ) Now when I go to Snapshot ; I will see about 4 ( if it was more than 5 mins) , Now I will disable this Triggers and I will delete the Snapshot ; then I will configure the Triger within inside of the Lambda Functions.

Step 18) Also when you go to Lambda function at Bottom; you will see two invocations 


Step 19) Now  I will create a Trigger inside the Lambda   and I will pick Cloud Watch ;then click rule ; ( as we see we have the rule from last steps) then Click new Rule ; and , give rule name 

BackupEC2_1mins , then give description “ This will back up every one min.” , click schedule expression , then type “rate(1 minute)

Step 20) Now make sure it is enable and click Add 

Step 21) Now you will see number two next to CloudWatch Events , You will see one enable and one is disable

Step 22) after one more min, when you go back to snapshot; you should see the snapshot of the volume,

Step 23) now if you go to CloudWatch you should see new events in here too.

Step 24) now when you go to CloudWatch ; then you will see all the logs and all the events that has been created.

Step 25) make sure disable the Tigger (cloud watch) and delete all the EBS volume.


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