General Information (For Quotations generated by ASM)


Testing / Exams

ASM is an Authorized Testing Center with Pearson VUE, Certiport and Kryterion.


Upon completion of your training, the required certification exam(s) can be taken at your convenience in our testing facility without a previous appointment.


Payment Options

  • PayPal (Please visit link on ASM’s website specific to each course)
  • Credit/Debit cards can be used via telephone or through ASM’s secure on-line shopping via Pay Pal
  • Checks can be mailed to ASM’s main office
  • A sponsoring company or organization can send a check or purchase order to ASM’s main office


Group Discounts

ASM offers group discounts when 2 or more applicants attend the “same” class. Customized on-site or off-site training as well as GSA prices are available.


ASM’s Guarantee (Retake Policy)

ASM pledges that if a student does not succeed in obtaining intended certification after finishing the required training program, they may attend future classes for the same course (boot camp or regular training) at no cost (upon space availability). Student must simply retain course material and test-prep software. Regular fees will be applied toward additional exam vouchers.