The Importance of Secure Coding Techniques: Why You Need to Know It! |

The Importance of Secure Coding Techniques: Why You Need to Know It!

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Coding is a big deal. It is the process of taking digital information and making it usable by machines. Programmers and developers are the people who code. They take digital information, and make it usable by computers. The aim is to create software applications and websites.

Programmers and developers use software, websites and applications to help people do things. They can be used for personal interests, or for business, education or government purposes. It is very important to know how to code securely. Safeguarding your source code is critical for keeping your projects secure and releasing software updates as soon as possible.

What is Secure Coding?

Secure coding is essential in any software development cycle. This can include all stages of software development from planning and requirements gathering, to writing code and testing.

Secure coding is the practice of writing code that is firewall, virus, and malware (or attack) resistant. It is essential to writing code that can withstand cyber attacks. All software developers should be aware of the importance of securing their applications.

Why is Secure Coding Important?

Developing secure software applications is important because it ensures that the information that you are transmitting to the application is not altered in any way. Making sure that your source code cannot be tampered with is critical to maintaining the integrity of your software.

If a hacker were to gain access to your application and tamper with the code, it could potentially cause the application to crash, and not work properly. This could potentially cause serious damage to your business or personal interests.

Methods of Safeguarding Code

There are many ways to safeguard code. Here are some of the most common methods to secure code:

– Normalization – This is the process of taking non-normal data (in this example, an unnormalized variable) and making it normal. This is done by creating a variable that is a combination of all characters in the alphabet, with none of those characters repeated. In a database, for example, a variable that has an extra ‘a’ character would have to be replaced by a ‘b’.

– Encryption – This is the process of taking non-encrypted data and making it encrypted. This is done by replacing every character in the data with a code. An example of this would be replacing all letters with numbers.

– Stored Procedures – This is the practice of storing business logic, rules, algorithms and data within a database. These procedures can be run at any time by the database, rather than being triggered when a user tries to access the logic.

– Refactoring – This is the process of changing the logic within a software project by rewriting the existing code, rather than rewriting it from scratch. This is usually done to fix errors in the logic, or to make the code more efficient.

– Obfuscation – is the process of making code more difficult to understand. This is typically done by replacing certain words and phrases in the code with numbers. For example, replacing “function returns” with “returns function.”

Another common practice is replacing all letters with numbers. For example, replacing “the capital of Ohio” with “1,” or replacing “the word ‘apple’ with “a,” and so on.


Secure coding practices can help safeguard your applications, while enabling your team to better collaborate and deliver high quality, secure software. It is important to note that while coding and developing software applications is important, it is only one part of the development process. Therefore, it’s equally important to secure your development process, including the tools that your team uses to develop and code.

Developing and securing software applications is a complex process that requires knowledge and experience. It’s also a process that can be very time consuming and frustrating. This guide will help you develop secure software applications from start to finish, but you’ll need to put in the time and energy to make it happen.

Developing secure software applications is not easy. It requires knowledge, experience and time. If you want to develop secure software applications, you will need to put in the time and effort.

Sources:  NIST, script

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