Minimum requirements Microsoft publishes hardware minimum requirements for the software it sells. For Windows Server 2012, the minimum requirements are: Processor: Minimum: 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor Ram: Minimum: 512 MB Disk Space: Minimum: 32 GB Other requirements: DVD drive Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution monitor Keyboard and Microsoft® mouse (or other compatible pointing… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: June 2016
CompTIA Linux+ Troubleshooting
In order to make troubleshooting as easy as possible, you should always use an organized methodology. Using simple best practices will do just that.
CompTIA Linux+ System Maintenance
In order to keep your Linux system running smoothly, it is vital to maintain it properly.
CompTIA Linux+ Administration
As with any other operating system, administration efforts are necessary for any linux system. These include the following tasks:
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: How a virus works
Source Computer Hope The word “virus” is often used as a common term for all malicious programs, but technically a virus is a program or code that attaches itself to a legitimate, executable piece of software, and then reproduces itself when that program is run.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: What is Spyware?
Spyware can invade your privacy by recording, passing on and abusing your personal details – including credit card details – all of it behind your back.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: What is a computer worm?
An essential guide on computer worms and how they actually work A computer worm is similar to a computer virus, but unlike a virus it does not need to attach itself to an existing program.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: What is a rootkit?
Source: Adopted From All the information you need on rootkits and how to remove them
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: How to Remove Malware
Source: Adopted From “Malware” is short for “malicious software” – computer programs designed to infiltrate and damage computers without the users consent.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: How to find how much RAM is installed on a computer
Source: Adopted From Find how much RAM is installed and available in Windows 8 and 10
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Why is my online game so slow?
Source: Adopted From A game’s online performance can be attributed to many factors. Below is a listing of some of the different causes of why an online game may be slow or laggy.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: How Can I Fix My Slow Computer?
Source: Adopted From [bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign”]Tip: This page only covers an overall slow computer and not a computer that has a slow boot up or slow Internet.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Why is my Internet connection so slow?
Source: Adopted From A slow Internet connection can be caused by any number of reasons. Below is a short list of some of the more common reasons your Internet connection may be slow.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: My Windows computer boots up slow
Source: Adopted From A slow Microsoft Windows boot up can be caused by a number of different issues. The following document contains various suggestions and tips that can help improve the overall speed of your computer’s startup.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Testing my computer motherboard and CPU for failures?
A bad computer motherboard or CPU can cause an assortment of different issues on your computer. Below are just a few of the possible issues you may encounter. It is important to remember that the issues below can also be caused by more than just a bad motherboard and CPU.
CISSP Security & Risk Management-Risk Analysis
Quantitative Analysis (ALE=SLE x ARO) ALE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that estimates the loss potential from a risk in a span of year) SLE = Single Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that is assigned to a single event that represents the company’s potential loss) ARO = Annualized Rate of Occurrence (Frequency of… Read more »
CISSP Security & Risk Management-The After-Action Review
After-action review (AAR): a detailed examination of events that occurred from incident detection to recovery Identify areas of the BC/DR plans that worked, didn’t work, or need improvement AAR’s are conducted with all participants in attendance AAR is recorded for use as a training case AAR brings the BCP/DRP teams’ actions to a close
Community Outreach – September 4, 2016

Please Join us for this Homeless Outreach on Sunday 9/4/2016 at 6:15 pm in Rockville MD.
Community Outreach – August 7, 2016

Please Join us for this Homeless Outreach on Sunday 8/7/2016 at Rockville MD.
Community Outreach – July 17,2016

Please Join us for this Homeless Outreach on Sunday 7/17/2016 at Rockville MD.
Community Outreach – Jun 12,2016

Please Join us for this Homeless Outreach on Sunday 6/12/2016 at Rockville MD.