Amazon AWS WAF ( Web Application Firewall)

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

Amazon AWS Confiuguring WAF to Block IP address AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that helps protect your web apps from common exploits that could affect app availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources In here we have two instances called LinuxWebserver1 and Linux Webserver3 that are part of Application Load Balancer; and… Read more »

Amazon AWS Solution Architecture Practice Exam 2019 – Part 2

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

Question 6) A web application allows customers to upload orders to an S3 bucket. The resulting Amazon S3 events trigger a Lambda function that inserts a message to an SQS queue. A singleEC2 instance reads messages from the queue, processes them, and stores them in an DynamoDB table partitioned by unique order ID. Next month… Read more »

Amazon AWS Solution Architecture Practice Exam 2019 – Part 1

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

Question 1) A company is storing an access key (access key ID and secret access key) in a text file on a custom AMI. The company uses the access key to access DynamoDBtables from instances created from the AMI. The security team has mandated a more secure solution.Which solution will meet the security team’s mandate?… Read more »

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner – Foundational Sample Exam Questions

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

        1) Why is AWS more economical than traditional data centers for applications with varying compute workloads? A) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) costs are billed on a monthly basis.B) Customers retain full administrative access to their Amazon EC2 instances.C) Amazon EC2 instances can be launched on-demand when needed.D) Customers can… Read more »

Amazon AWS Network Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

        Feature Application Load Balancer Network Load Balancer Classic Load Balancer Protocols HTTP, HTTPS TCP TCP, SSL/TLS, HTTP, HTTPS Platforms VPC VPC EC2-Classic, VPC Health checks ✔ ✔ ✔ CloudWatch metrics ✔ ✔ ✔ Logging ✔ ✔ ✔     Path-Based Routing ✔ Host-Based Routing ✔ Native HTTP/2 ✔ ✔ SSL offloading… Read more »

Amazon AWS – CloudWatch Custom Metrics , Monitoring

Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

  Monitoring EC2 with Custom Metrics   You can monitor your EC2 using CloudWatch using: CPU Network Disk Status Check Please note that RAM Utilization is a customer metric. By Default Ec2 monitors is for 5 mins interval, unless you enable detailed monitoring which will then make it 1 min intervals ( it will cost… Read more »