Passively Test Security Controls

Posted filed under CompTIA Security+.

Security+ Objectives 1.5 The passive approach uses devices to watch the traffic as it passes by. These devices can be special purpose devices such as a Sniffer or they can be built into other devices such as routers, switches or end node hosts. Administrators can scan specific systems or an entire network. For example, many… Read more »

Penetration Testing Vs Vulnerability Scanning

Posted filed under CompTIA Security+, Sec+.

Security+ Objectives 1.4 Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Scanning, What’s the Difference? What is Penetration Testing? Penetration testing is a way to “stress test” your IT infrastructure security. Penetration techniques are used to evaluate the safety and security of the network in a controlled manner. Operating systems, services, applications, and even the behavior of the end… Read more »