EC-Council Core Concepts Boot Camp |
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EC-Council Core Concepts

In this course you will learn the core skills to build a solid security foundation. You will examine in detail the traffic that traverses the network at the packet and binary level. You will build solid knowledge on the lowest layers of the network. In the course you will conduct extensive hands-on exercises. You will learn to master the TCP/IP protocol. You will learn essential UNIX and Linux survival skills that separate you from the many security professionals who are Windows centric.. Additionally, you will be introduced to vulnerability assessment and the hacking methodology. When you finish this course you will have a solid security foundation to pursue more advanced security training. For many, when you take a class like the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) you have not established the foundation that is needed to get the most from the course, this is where the Core Concepts course comes in, it is the bridge between a beginning level security course and CEH; furthermore, it focus on the main concepts required to build a foundation in security.
  • Bridge course from Sec+ to CEH
  • To gain the skills needed to move on to more advanced security topics. The majority of professionals entering the field will lack the foundation that this course will bring. Take the free evaluation test and if the majority of the questions are new to you and the answers are unknown you would benefit greatly from taking this class.
  • You will learn how to analyze packets for irregularities
  • You will learn how to detect signs of crafted packets
  • You will learn advanced protocol analysis techniques
  • You will perform low-level protocol analysis
  • You will leans functional skills in Unix and Linux
  • You will learn virtualization and how to build your own virtual labs
  • You will learn the fundamentals of vulnerability assessment and the hacking methodology

Schedule & Registration

Boot Camp
Boot Camp
Boot camp (Virtual/WebEx)
Request Quotation
In just a few simple steps, please let us know your course(s) selection. If you were already on a course page, you have all the info needed to fill out the form. If you don’t already have course(s) in mind, no problem! Just visit ASM’s IT Popular Courses or ASM’s IT Programs to make your selection. We look forward to being of serivce to you.

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