CISSP Security & Risk Management-Risk Analysis

Posted filed under CISSP.

Quantitative Analysis (ALE=SLE x ARO) ALE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that estimates the loss potential from a risk in a span of year) SLE = Single Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that is assigned to a single event that represents the company’s potential loss) ARO = Annualized Rate of Occurrence (Frequency of… Read more »

CISSP Security & Risk Management-The After-Action Review

Posted filed under CISSP.

  After-action review (AAR): a detailed examination of events that occurred from incident detection to recovery Identify areas of the BC/DR plans that worked, didn’t work, or need improvement AAR’s are conducted with all participants in attendance AAR is recorded for use as a training case AAR brings the BCP/DRP teams’ actions to a close

Cisco CCNA Extended Access List

Posted filed under Cisco CCNA.

Cisco extended Access list

Follow @ASM_Educational Cisco CCNA-Extended access list In this Lab we will cover the concept of Extended ACL , make sure read another blogs about Standard ACL .