Source: Adopted From A game’s online performance can be attributed to many factors. Below is a listing of some of the different causes of why an online game may be slow or laggy.
Posts Tagged: Training
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: How Can I Fix My Slow Computer?
Source: Adopted From [bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign”]Tip: This page only covers an overall slow computer and not a computer that has a slow boot up or slow Internet.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Why is my Internet connection so slow?
Source: Adopted From A slow Internet connection can be caused by any number of reasons. Below is a short list of some of the more common reasons your Internet connection may be slow.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: My Windows computer boots up slow
Source: Adopted From A slow Microsoft Windows boot up can be caused by a number of different issues. The following document contains various suggestions and tips that can help improve the overall speed of your computer’s startup.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Testing my computer motherboard and CPU for failures?
A bad computer motherboard or CPU can cause an assortment of different issues on your computer. Below are just a few of the possible issues you may encounter. It is important to remember that the issues below can also be caused by more than just a bad motherboard and CPU.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Heat sink
A heat sink is an electronic device that incorporates either a fan or a peltier device to keep a hot component such as a processor cool.
CompTIA A+| Microsoft MTA O/S: Fan
A hardware device that keeps the overall computer or a computer device cool by circulating air to or from the computer or component. The picture is an example of a fan on a heat sink.
CISSP Security & Risk Management-Risk Analysis
Quantitative Analysis (ALE=SLE x ARO) ALE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that estimates the loss potential from a risk in a span of year) SLE = Single Loss Expectancy (A dollar amount that is assigned to a single event that represents the company’s potential loss) ARO = Annualized Rate of Occurrence (Frequency of… Read more »
CISSP Security & Risk Management-The After-Action Review
After-action review (AAR): a detailed examination of events that occurred from incident detection to recovery Identify areas of the BC/DR plans that worked, didn’t work, or need improvement AAR’s are conducted with all participants in attendance AAR is recorded for use as a training case AAR brings the BCP/DRP teams’ actions to a close
CISSP Security & Risk Management-Results from the BIA
Result contains: Identified critical functions and required resources
CISSP Security & Risk Management-Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
Identify organization’s critical business functions
CISSP Security & Risk Management-Disaster Recovery (DR)
Review the BIA BIA contains the prioritized list of critical business functions Should be reviewed for compatibility with the BC plan
CISSP Security & Risk Management- Business Continuity (BC) & Disaster Recovery (DR) Requirements
Project Initiation and Management Develop and Document Project Scope and Plan
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Common Security Threats
Source mc mcse Certification Resources DoS (Denial of Service) – A DoS attack is a common type of attack in which false requests to a server overload it to the point that it is unable to handle valid requests, cause it to reset, or shut it down completely.
Cisco CCNA Extended Access List
Follow @ASM_Educational Cisco CCNA-Extended access list In this Lab we will cover the concept of Extended ACL , make sure read another blogs about Standard ACL .
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: CPU
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) or processor takes care of all calculations.