[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Peer to Peer – A peer to peer network is one in which lacks a dedicated server and every computer acts as both a client and a server.
Posts Tagged: CompTIA
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: LAN Technology Types and Properties
Ethernet – Ethernet is the most widely-installed local area network ( LAN) technology.
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: WAN Technology Types and Properties
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Frame Relay – Frame relay is a secure, private network that utilizes a logical path or “virtual circuit” to allocate bandwidth for high performance transmissions.
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Wiring Standards
568A and 568B – The number 568 refers to the order in which the individual wires inside a CAT 5 cable are terminated.
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Standard Cable Types and Their Properties
Cable Types :
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Characteristics of Wireless Standards
Wireless networks allow computers to comunicate without the use of cables using IEEE 802.11 standards, also known as Wi-Fi.
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Common Physical Network Topologies
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Introduction To Network
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Properties of Routing
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] The Purpose and Properties of Routing
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Common IPv4 and IPv6 Routing Protocols
Common IPv4 and IPv6 Routing Protocols
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Addressing Technologies
Proper Use of Addressing Technologies
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: IP Address Formats
Identify the Following Address Formats
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Command Line Interface Tools
Traceroute – A command-line troubleshooting tool that enables you to view the route to a specified host. This will show how many hops the packets have to travel and how long it takes. In Windows operating systems, the command used is “tracert”.
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Common Networking Protocols
Common Networking Protocols
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: Troubleshooting
Here are the steps for troubleshooting a network
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Types of Wireless Attacks Part 2
The Types of Wireless Attacks Part 2 CompTIA Security+ Objective 1.2 WPS Attacks Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) allows users to configure a wireless network without typing in the passphrase. Instead, users can configure devices by pressing buttons or by entering a short personal identification number (PIN). For example, a user can configure a new wireless… Read more »
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Types of Wireless Attacks
The Types of Wireless Attacks Part 1 CompTIA Security+ Objective 1.2 Replay Attacks A replay attack occurs when an attacker copies a stream of messages between two parties and replays the stream to one or more of the parties. Unless mitigated, the computers subject to the attack process the stream as legitimate messages, resulting in a range… Read more »
CompTIA and Immersive Labs Issue A Pen Test Challenge
CompTIA and Immersive Labs are challenging cybersecurity professionals in the United States and United Kingdom to test their penetration testing skills this month. The two organizations launched the pen test challenge on the opening day of RSA® Conference 2019. “Penetration testing, if done right, is a proven and valuable activity that all organizations should engage… Read more »
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Most Common Application/Service Attacks Part 2
The nature of cyberattacks is constantly in flux, always evolving to keep pace with the times. Hacking of websites, theft of credit card information and other personal information has become an almost daily occurrence, along with illegal remittances via Internet banking. Recent years have witnessed the accelerating dissemination of new technologies such as IoT… Read more »
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Most Common Application/Service Attacks Part 1
“Richard Clarke, a former counter-terrorism expert for the United Government, once said, “If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, you will be hacked. What’s more, you deserve to be hacked”. While the latter is a tad harsh (we wouldn’t wish a cyber attack on anyone!), the former is certainly true.” If you… Read more »
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Exam prepration and Questions

1. Your manager asks you to implement a system that can filter out unwanted content, such as viruses and unproductive Internet content. The best way to accomplish this would be through a system that implements a:
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Certification Cram Guide & Study Notes
In this cram guide, we would like to give you some short tips on what to study for the Security+ exam to ensure a great score.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Security Topologies
One of the most essential portions of information security is the design and topology of secure networks. What exactly do we mean by “topology?” Usually, a geographic diagram of a network comes to mind.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Email and Application Security
Some of the Security+ exam will test you on your knowledge of some basic email, Internet, and application security issues. Although the amount of detail of knowledge that is required is quite minimal, you must still have a working knowledge of some simple email and application security concepts.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Organizational Security

Physical Security Physical security refers to the aspects of information security that are related to physical threats, such as fire or natural disasters. We will cover some basic physical security threats below:
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Public Key Cryptography
Public Key Cryptography is a widely-applied form of cryptography commonly utilized in many network transactions.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Symmetric Key Cryptography
In here we will learn about different symmetric key algorithms and their key features. More importantly, we will learn about some more key concepts related to cryptography as it applies to both symmetric and asymmetric algorithms.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Networking Overview
Networking Overview In subsequent chapters of this study guide, we will take a look at different security topologies or ways that networks can be set up with security in mind.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Firewall
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] What is a Firewall? A firewall is any hardware or software designed to prevent unwanted network traffic. Some firewalls are simplistic in nature;
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Cryptography
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Introduction to Cryptography
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Malicious Software
Viruses, Trojan Horses, Worms Despite all the hype about viruses and worms, the Security+ exam actually does not heavily test on viruses and the like.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Remote Access
One of the most ever-present and ancient uses of the Internet and networking has been to provide remote access to networks or network resources.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: kinds of attacks
A key aspect to any war is to know your enemy. If you consider the battle against malicious users a war, then understanding the attacks that they use is crucial.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Incident response
Incident response [bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Concept and procedures
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Protocols
SNMP: It (SNMP) is a mainstream convention for system administration. It is utilized for gathering data from, and designing, system gadgets, for example, servers, printers, centers, switches, and switches on an Internet Protocol (IP) system.
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: Tunneling
Tunneling, VPN, and IPSec
CompTIA Network+ | Microsoft MTA Networking: TCP/UDP Ports
Identify Commonly Used TCP/UDP Ports
CompTIA Sec+ | Microsoft MTA Security: CIA

What’s CIA?
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Malicious Software (Malware)
Definition – What does Malicious Software (Malware) mean? Malicious software, commonly known as malware, is any software that brings harm to a computer system. Malware can be in the form of worms, viruses, trojans, spyware, adware and rootkits, etc., which steal protected data, delete documents or add software not approved by a user.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Wireless encryption protocols
Wireless encryption protocols include:
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Common networking command-line tools
Common networking command-line tools include the following:
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a short-range technology aimed at simplifying communications and synchronization among network devices. Bluetooth is divided into three classes:
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Wireless Ethernet Versions
Wireless Ethernet Versions: (Name – Data Transfer Rate – Frequency)
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Cabling Standards
Cabling Standards include:
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Networking Protocols
Networking Protocols include: FTP – File Transfer Protocol : Port 21
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Types of Networks
Exam Cram: LAN = Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network MAN = Metropolitan (or Municipal) Area Network PAN = Personal Area Network
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Types of Custom PCs
[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right”] Custom PCs include: Audio/Video workstations – needs special A/V cards, fast hard drives and multiple monitors
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: 7 Tips for Effective Study Habits

CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Wireless encryption protocols
Wireless encryption protocols include :
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: Switch and Router and Firewall
Switches connect computers together in a LAN.
CompTIA A+ | Microsoft MTA O/S: ATX

ATX 12V 2.x Power Supplies connect to the motherboard by way of 24-pin cable + 4-pin for CPU and 6 or 8-pin for video. Advantages of the ATX motherboard The ATX motherboard includes advanced control facilities, where the BIOS program continually checks the CPU temperature and voltages, the cooling fans RPM, etc. If… Read more »