Posted filed under Amazon AWS.

In this exercise, you’ll create a VPC and subnet, and launch a public-facing instance into your subnet. Your instance will be able to communicate with the Internet, and you’ll be able to access your instance from your local computer using SSH (if it’s a Linux instance) or Remote Desktop (if it’s a Windows instance). In your real world environment, you can use this scenario to create a public-facing web server; for example, to host a blog.

[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-pencil”] Note

This exercise is intended to help you set up your own nondefault VPC quickly.

To complete this exercise, you’ll do the following:

  • Create a nondefault VPC with a single public subnet. Subnets enable you to group instances based on your security and operational needs. A public subnet is a subnet that has access to the Internet through an Internet gateway.
  • Create a security group for your instance that allows traffic only through specific ports.
  • Launch an Amazon EC2 instance into your subnet.
  • Associate an Elastic IP address with your instance. This allows your instance to access the Internet.

Before you can use Amazon VPC for the first time, you must sign up for Amazon Web Services (AWS). When you sign up, your AWS account is automatically signed up for all services in AWS, including Amazon VPC. If you haven’t created an AWS account already, go to, and then choose Create a Free Account.


This exercise assumes that your account supports the EC2-VPC platform only. If your account also supports the older EC2-Classic platform, you can still follow the steps in this exercise; however, you will not have a default VPC in your account to compare against your nondefault VPC.

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