Posted filed under Amazon AWS.


Autocomplete Lesson:

To add the autocomplete feature:

$ echo “complete -C aws_completer aws” >> ~/.bash_profile

$ source ~/.bash_profile

S3 CLI commands

Create a bucket:
$ aws s3 mb s3://test-saurav-123

Remove the bucket:
$ aws s3 rb test-saurav-123

Creating empty files in Linux :
$ touch file{1..10}

Copy a local file to a bucket:
$ aws s3 cp file1 s3://copy-file-saurav/

Copy Everything in local file to a bucket:
$ aws s3 sync . s3://copy-file-saurav/
$ crontab -e

Create a script to save all files to S3 bucket every (x) minutes/hours/days or months
• $ vim
• press i for insert
• #!/bin/bash
• $ aws s3 sync /home/ec2-user/Documents/ s3://copy-file-saurav
• Press Esc
• Type :wq! To save and exit
• $ Chmod 500
The above command will make it executable

On command line type this to create a cron job:
$ crontab –e
• press I to insert
• paste: */1 * * * * /home/ec2-user/
• The above line will sync files every minute. For every day use:
* */1 * * * /home/ec2-user/
• save with :wq!

To exclude a file with certain extension:
$ aws s3 sync /home/ec2-user/Documents/ s3://copy-file-saurav –exclude ‘*.rtf’ –acl
public-read –storage-class STANDARD_IA
To exclude a file with public read permission and put in in s3- IA storage class:
$ aws s3 sync /home/ec2-user/Documents/ s3://copy-file-saurav –acl public-read —
storage-class STANDARD_IA

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