Posted filed under CompTIA A+, MICROSOFT MTA O/S.

Source: Adopted From

“Malware” is short for “malicious software” – computer programs designed to infiltrate and damage computers without the users consent. “Malware” is the general term covering all the different types of threats to your computer safety such as viruses, spyware, worms, trojans, rootkits and so on.
Recommended Fix To solve Malware problems our recommended solution is to download MyTurboPC’s Malware Removal Tool. This tool has been designed to diagnose and remove Malware infections while simultaneously increasing system performance, optimizing memory, improving security and fine tuning your PC for maximum reliability.



(9.8 MB)

Download / Scan Instructions:

  • Begin Download
  • Click “Run” (“Save As” if using Firefox)
  • Click “Run” Again
  • Follow on-screen directions for installation and scan


[bs_icon name=”glyphicon glyphicon-exclamation-sign”] PLEASE NOTE: Viruses (also known as “malware”) are removed by MyTurboPC’s Malware Removal Tool. This software ensures that you remove all traces of malware from your system. Software installation, scan, and threat removal takes approximately 2 minutes.


Manual Removal – (Advanced Users Only)

It is difficult and only recommended for advance computer users to trouble shoot and remove their own malware infections. For everyone else the automatic fix is recommended.internet-properties-thumb

To manually remove Malware requires troubleshooting both the user’s web browser and the Windows operating system. Below are the instructions on how to manually troubleshoot Internet Explorer:

  • Turn on safe mode – Malware communicates through your internet connection to provide personal information to a cyber criminal. This is why the first step to removing Malware is to remove this connection so the cyber criminal loses control your computer. To enter safe mode you have to reboot your computer while pressing the Windows menu key (usually F11) and select boot with safe mode as shown in the below image:
  • Delete all temporary internet files – Malware is installed through hidden files downloaded as you browse the internet. To delete these files click on the start menu then go to the control panel. Once in the control panel look for the “Internet Options” icon, click it. Once you click on the “Internet Options” icon it opens a window and inside the window has the option for deleting your temporary internet files. Click on the delete files button.
  • Find and uninstall infected program – Now that you have removed your temporary internet files you still have to remove the program causing the problems. If you know the program you can uninstall it through the control panel using the “Add/Remove Programs”.
  • Format hard drive – If you don’t know what program is causing the problems the only solution is to format your hard drive. This means deleting everything off your hard drive and starting fresh similar to buying and installing a new hard drive. You will have to re-install windows and all other programs. It can take hours or days to finish formatting your hard drive and re-installing all your programs and re-configuring each to your preferences.






Source: Adopted From

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